Source code for eegutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#   Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Samuele Carcagno <>
#   This file is part of eegutils

#    eegutils is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.

#    eegutils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with eegutils.  If not, see <>.

This module contains functions to extract and process event related
potentials (ERPs) from electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings.

from __future__ import division
import copy, numpy
from numpy import abs, append, arange, array, array_equal, convolve, ceil, diff, floor, log2, log10, mean, repeat, where, zeros
from numpy.fft import fft
from scipy import signal
from scipy.signal import bartlett, blackman, fftconvolve, firwin2, hamming, hanning
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats
from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np
    import biosig
except ImportError:
import ctypes

__version__ = "0.0.5"

[docs]def averageAverages(aveList, nSegments): """ Perform a weighted average of a list of averages. The weight of each average in the list is determined by the number of segments from which it was obtained. Parameters ---------- aveList : list of dicts of 2D numpy arrays The list of averages for each experimental condition. nSegments : list of dicts of ints The number of epochs on which each average is based. Returns ---------- weightedAve : dict of 2D numpy arrays The weighted averages for each condition. nSegsSum : dict of ints The number of epochs on which each weighted average is based. Examples ---------- >>> #simulate averages >>> import numpy as np >>> ave1 = {'cnd1': np.random.rand(4, 2048), 'cnd2': np.random.rand(4, 2048)} >>> ave2 = {'cnd1': np.random.rand(4, 2048), 'cnd2': np.random.rand(4, 2048)} >>> nSegs1 = {'cnd1': 196, 'cnd2': 200} >>> nSegs2 = {'cnd1': 198, 'cnd2': 189} >>> aveList = [ave1, ave2]; nSegments = [nSegs1, nSegs2] >>> weightedAve, nSegsSum = averageAverages(aveList=aveList, nSegments=nSegments) """ eventList = list(aveList[0].keys()) nSegsSum = {} weightedAve = {} for event in eventList: nSegsSum[event] = 0 for i in range(len(aveList)): nSegsSum[event] = nSegsSum[event] + nSegments[i][event] for event in eventList: weightedAve[event] = numpy.zeros(aveList[0][event].shape, dtype=aveList[0][eventList[0]].dtype) for i in range(len(aveList)): weightedAve[event] = weightedAve[event] + aveList[i][event] * (nSegments[i][event]/nSegsSum[event]) return weightedAve, nSegsSum
[docs]def averageEpochs(rec): """ Average the epochs of a segmented recording. Parameters ---------- rec : dict of 3D numpy arrays with dimensions (n_channels x n_samples x n_epochs) The segmented recording Returns ---------- ave : dict of 2D numpy arrays with dimensions (n_channels x n_samples) The average epochs for each condition. nSegs : dict of ints The number of epochs averaged for each condition. Examples ---------- >>> ave, nSegs = averageEpochs(rec=rec) """ eventList = list(rec.keys()) ave = {} nSegs = {} for code in eventList: nSegs[code] = rec[code].shape[2] ave[code] = numpy.mean(rec[code], axis=2) return ave, nSegs
[docs]def baselineCorrect(rec, baselineStart, preDur, sampRate): """ Perform baseline correction by subtracting the average pre-event voltage from each channel of a segmented recording. Parameters ---------- rec : dict of 3D arrays The segmented recording. baselineStart : float Start time of the baseline window relative to the event onset, in seconds. The absolute value of baselineStart cannot be greater than preDur. In practice baselineStart allows you to define a baseline window shorter than the time window before the experimental event (preDur). preDur : float Duration of recording epoch before the experimental event, in seconds. sampRate : int The samplig rate of the EEG recording. Examples ---------- >>> #baseline window has the same duration of preDur >>> baseline_correct(rec=rec, baselineStart=-0.2, preDur=0.2, sampRate=512) >>> #now with a baseline shorter than preDur >>> baseline_correct(rec=rec, baselineStart=-0.15, preDur=0.2, sampRate=512) """ eventList = list(rec.keys()) epochStartSample = int(round(preDur*sampRate)) baselineStartSample = int(epochStartSample - abs(round(baselineStart*sampRate))) for i in range(len(eventList)): #for each event for j in range(rec[str(eventList[i])].shape[2]): #for each epoch for k in range(rec[str(eventList[i])].shape[0]): #for each electrode thisBaseline = numpy.mean(rec[str(eventList[i])][k,baselineStartSample:epochStartSample,j]) rec[str(eventList[i])][k,:,j] = rec[str(eventList[i])][k,:,j] - thisBaseline return
[docs]def chainSegments(rec, nChunks, sampRate, start, end, baselineDur=0, window=None): """ Take a dictionary containing in each key a list of segments, and chain these segments into chunks of length `nChunks`. `baselineDur` is for determining what is the zero point. `start` and `end` are given with reference to the zero point. This chaining technique is used to increase the spectral resolution of FFT analyses of auditory steady-state responses. Parameters ---------- rec : dict of 3D arrays The segmented recordings for each experimental condition. nChunks : int The number of segments to chain together for each chunk. sampRate : int The EEG recording sampling rate. start : float Start time of the epoch segments to be chained, in seconds. end : float End time of the epoch segments to be chained, in seconds. baselineDur : float Duration of the baseline, in seconds. Returns ---------- eegChained : dict of 2D arrays The chained recordings for each experimental condition. Examples ---------- >>> chainSegments(rec, nChunks=20, sampRate=2048, start=0, end=0.5, baselineDur=0.1) """ baseline_pnts = round(baselineDur * sampRate) startPnt = int(round(start*sampRate) + baseline_pnts) endPnt = int(round(end*sampRate) + baseline_pnts) chunk_size = endPnt - startPnt sweep_size = chunk_size * nChunks nReps = {} eventList = list(rec.keys()) eegChained = {} fromeegChainedAve = {} for i in range(len(eventList)): currCode = eventList[i] eegChained[currCode] = zeros((rec[currCode].shape[0], sweep_size), dtype=rec[currCode].dtype) #two-dimensional array of zeros fromeegChainedAve[currCode] = zeros((rec[currCode].shape[0], chunk_size), dtype=rec[currCode].dtype) nReps[currCode] = zeros((nChunks)) p = 0 k = 0 while k < rec[currCode].shape[2]: if p > (nChunks-1): p = 0 idxChunkStart = p*chunk_size idxChunkEnd = idxChunkStart + chunk_size eegChained[currCode][:,idxChunkStart:idxChunkEnd] = eegChained[currCode][:,idxChunkStart:idxChunkEnd] + rec[currCode][:,startPnt:endPnt, k] nReps[currCode][p] = nReps[currCode][p] + 1 fromeegChainedAve[currCode] = fromeegChainedAve[currCode] + rec[currCode][:,startPnt:endPnt, k] p = p+1 #p is the chunk counter k = k+1 #k is the epoch counter n = chunk_size if window == 'hamming': w = hamming(n) elif window == 'hanning': w = hanning(n) elif window == 'blackman': w = blackman(n) elif window == 'bartlett': w = bartlett(n) elif window == 'tukey': w = tukeywin(n) for i in range(len(eventList)): currCode = eventList[i] for p in range(nChunks): idxChunkStart = p*chunk_size idxChunkEnd = idxChunkStart + chunk_size if window == None: eegChained[currCode][:,idxChunkStart:idxChunkEnd] = eegChained[currCode][:,idxChunkStart:idxChunkEnd] / nReps[currCode][p] else: eegChained[currCode][:,idxChunkStart:idxChunkEnd] = eegChained[currCode][:,idxChunkStart:idxChunkEnd]*w / nReps[currCode][p] fromeegChainedAve[currCode] = fromeegChainedAve[currCode] / sum(nReps[currCode]) return eegChained
[docs]def detrendEEG(rec): """ Remove the mean value from each channel of an EEG recording. Parameters ---------- rec : dict of 2D arrays The EEG recording. Examples ---------- >>> detrend(rec) """ nChannels = rec.shape[0] for i in range(nChannels): rec[i,:] = rec[i,:] - numpy.mean(rec[i,:], dtype=rec.dtype) return rec
[docs]def detrendSegmented(rec): """ Remove the mean value from each channel of an EEG recording. Parameters ---------- rec : dict of 3D arrays The segmented EEG recording. Examples ---------- >>> detrendSegmented(rec) """ eventList = list(rec.keys()) for ev in eventList: for i in range(len(rec[ev])): for j in range(rec[ev][0].shape[0]): rec[ev][i][j,:] = rec[ev][i][j,:] - numpy.mean(rec[ev][i][j,:]) return(rec)
[docs]def extractEventTable(trigChan, sampRate): """ Extract the event table from the EEG channel containing the trigger codes. Parameters ---------- trigChan : array The trigger channel. sampRate : int The EEG recording sampling rate. Returns ---------- eventTable : a dictionary with the following keys - code : array of ints The trigger codes. - idx : array of ints The indexes of the trigger codes. - dur : array of floats The duration of the triggers, in seconds. Examples ---------- >>> evtTab = extractEventTable(trigChan, 2048) """ trigst = copy.copy(trigChan) trigst[where(diff(trigst) == 0)[0]+1] = 0 startPoints = where(trigst != 0)[0] trige = diff(trigChan) stopPoints = where(trige != 0)[0] stopPoints = append(stopPoints, len(trigChan)-1) trigDurs = (stopPoints - startPoints)/sampRate evt = trigst[where(trigst != 0)] eventTable = {} eventTable['code'] = evt eventTable['idx'] = startPoints #eventTable['stop_idx'] = stopPoints eventTable['dur'] = trigDurs return eventTable
[docs]def getFilterFreqResp(sampRate, filterType, nTaps, cutoffs, transitionWidth, plotResp=False): """ Get the frequency response of a eegutils filter. Parameters ---------- sampRate : int The EEG recording sampling rate filterType : string {lowpass, highpass, bandpass} The filter type. nTaps : int The number of filter taps. cutoffs : array of floats The filter cutoffs. If 'filterType' is 'lowpass' or 'highpass' the 'cutoffs' array should contain a single value. If 'filterType' is bandpass the 'cutoffs' array should contain the lower and the upper cutoffs in increasing order. transitionWidth : float The width of the filter transition region, normalized between 0-1. For a lower cutoff the nominal transition region will go from `(1-transitionWidth)*cutoff` to `cutoff`. For a higher cutoff the nominal transition region will go from cutoff to `(1+transitionWidth)*cutoff`. plotResp : bool Whether to plot the frequency response. Returns ---------- freq : array of floats The frequency axis. mag : array of floats The frequency response of the filter. This is an array of complex numbers, to get the real part use `abs(mag)`. Examples ---------- >>> f, m = getFilterFreqResp(2048, 'highpass', 512, [30], 0.2) """ b = getFilterCoefficients(sampRate, filterType, nTaps, cutoffs, transitionWidth) freq,mag = signal.freqz(b,1) freq = (freq/max(freq))*(sampRate/2) if plotResp == True: fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(111) axes.plot(freq, 20*log10(abs(mag))) axes.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') axes.set_ylabel('Level (dB)') plt.grid() axes.set_title("# taps: " + str(nTaps) + " - trans. width: " + str(transitionWidth)) return freq, mag
[docs]def getFilterCoefficients(sampRate, filterType, nTaps, cutoffs, transitionWidth): """ Get the coefficients of a FIR filter. This function is used internally by eegutils. Parameters ---------- sampRate : int The EEG recording sampling rate. filterType : str {'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass'} The filter type. nTaps : int The number of filter taps. cutoffs : array of floats The filter cutoffs. If 'filterType' is 'lowpass' or 'highpass' the 'cutoffs' array should contain a single value. If 'filterType' is bandpass the 'cutoffs' array should contain the lower and the upper cutoffs in increasing order. transitionWidth : float The width of the filter transition region, normalized between 0-1. For a lower cutoff the nominal transition region will go from `(1-transitionWidth)*cutoff` to `cutoff`. For a higher cutoff the nominal transition region will go from cutoff to `(1+transitionWidth)*cutoff`. Returns --------- filterCoeff : array of floats The filter coefficients. Examples ---------- >>> getFilterCoefficients(sampRate=2048, filterType='highpass', nTaps=512, cutoffs=[30], transitionWidth=0.2) """ if filterType == "lowpass": f3 = cutoffs[0] f4 = cutoffs[0] * (1+transitionWidth) f3 = (f3*2) / sampRate f4 = (f4*2) / sampRate f = [0, f3, f4, 1] m = [1, 1, 0.00003, 0] elif filterType == "highpass": f1 = cutoffs[0] * (1-transitionWidth) f2 = cutoffs[0] f1 = (f1*2) / sampRate f2 = (f2*2) / sampRate f = [0, f1, f2, 0.999999, 1] #high pass m = [0, 0.00003, 1, 1, 0] elif filterType == "bandpass": f1 = cutoffs[0] * (1-transitionWidth) f2 = cutoffs[0] f3 = cutoffs[1] f4 = cutoffs[1] * (1+transitionWidth) f1 = (f1*2) / sampRate f2 = (f2*2) / sampRate f3 = (f3*2) / sampRate f4 = (f4*2) / sampRate f = [0, f1, f2, ((f2+f3)/2), f3, f4, 1] m = [0, 0.00003, 1, 1, 1, 0.00003, 0] filterCoeff = firwin2 (nTaps,f,m); return filterCoeff
[docs]def filterSegmented(rec, channels, sampRate, filterType, nTaps, cutoffs, transitionWidth): """ Filter a segmented recording. Parameters ---------- rec : dict of 3D arrays The segmented EEG recording. channels : array of ints The list of channels that should be filtered. sampRate : int The EEG recording sampling rate. filterType : str {'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass'} The filter type. nTaps : int The number of filter taps. cutoffs : array of floats The filter cutoffs. If 'filterType' is 'lowpass' or 'highpass' the 'cutoffs' array should contain a single value. If 'filterType' is bandpass the 'cutoffs' array should contain the lower and the upper cutoffs in increasing order. transitionWidth : float The width of the filter transition region, normalized between 0-1. For a lower cutoff the nominal transition region will go from `(1-transitionWidth)*cutoff` to `cutoff`. For a higher cutoff the nominal transition region will go from cutoff to `(1+transitionWidth)*cutoff`. Examples ---------- >>> filterSegmented(rec=rec, channels=[0,1,2,3], sampRate=2048, filterType='highpass', nTaps=512, cutoffs=[30], transitionWidth=0.2) """ eventList = list(rec.keys()) nChannels = rec[eventList[0]][0].shape[0] if channels == None or len(channels) == 0: channels = list(range(nChannels)) b = getFilterCoefficients(sampRate, filterType, nTaps, cutoffs, transitionWidth) b = b.astype(rec[eventList[0]].dtype) for ev in eventList: for i in range(rec[ev].shape[2]): #for each epoch for j in range(rec[ev].shape[0]): #for each channel if j in channels: rec[ev][j,:,i] = fftconvolve(rec[ev][j,:,i], b, 'same') rec[ev][j,:,i] = fftconvolve(rec[ev][j,:,i][::-1], b, 'same')[::-1] return(rec)
[docs]def filterContinuous(rec, channels, sampRate, filterType, nTaps, cutoffs, transitionWidth): """ Filter a continuous recording. Parameters ---------- rec : 2D array The nChannelsXnSamples array with the EEG recording. channels : array of ints The list of channels that should be filtered. sampRate : int The EEG recording sampling rate. filterType : str {'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass'} The filter type. nTaps : int The number of filter taps. cutoffs : array of floats The filter cutoffs. If 'filterType' is 'lowpass' or 'highpass' the 'cutoffs' array should contain a single value. If 'filterType' is bandpass the 'cutoffs' array should contain the lower and the upper cutoffs in increasing order. transitionWidth : float The width of the filter transition region, normalized between 0-1. For a lower cutoff the nominal transition region will go from `(1-transitionWidth)*cutoff` to `cutoff`. For a higher cutoff the nominal transition region will go from cutoff to `(1+transitionWidth)*cutoff`. Examples ---------- >>> filterContinuous(rec=rec, channels=[0,1,2,3], sampRate=2048, filterType='highpass', nTaps=512, cutoffs=[30], transitionWidth=0.2) """ b = getFilterCoefficients(sampRate, filterType, nTaps, cutoffs, transitionWidth) b = b.astype(rec.dtype) nChannels = rec.shape[0] if channels == None: channels = list(range(nChannels)) for i in range(nChannels): if i in channels: rec[i,:] = fftconvolve(rec[i,:], b, "same") rec[i,:] = fftconvolve(rec[i,:][::-1], b, "same")[::-1] return(rec)
[docs]def findArtefactThresh(rec, thresh=[100], channels=[0]): """ Find epochs with voltage values exceeding a given threshold. Parameters ---------- rec : dict of 3D arrays The segmented recording. thresh : array of floats The threshold value for each channel listed in `channels`. channels = array or list of ints The indexes of the channels to check for artefacts. Returns ---------- segsToReject : array of ints The indexes of the epochs exceeding the threshold. Examples ---------- >>> toRemove = eeg.findArtefactThresh(rec=segs, thresh=[100,60,100], channels=[0,1,2]) """ if len(channels) != len(thresh): print("The number of thresholds must be equal to the number of channels") return eventList = list(rec.keys()) segsToReject = {} for i in range(len(eventList)): segsToReject[str(eventList[i])] = [] #list to keep the indices of the epochs to delete for j in range(rec[str(eventList[i])].shape[2]): #for each epoch for k in range(rec[str(eventList[i])].shape[0]): #for each channel if k in channels: if (max(rec[str(eventList[i])][k,:,j]) > thresh[channels.index(k)] or min(rec[str(eventList[i])][k,:,j]) < -thresh[channels.index(k)]) == True: segsToReject[str(eventList[i])].append(j) for i in range(len(eventList)): #segment may be flagged by detection in more than one channel segsToReject[str(eventList[i])] = numpy.unique(segsToReject[str(eventList[i])]) return segsToReject
## def getFRatios(ffts, compIdx, nSideComp, nExcludedComp, otherExclude): ## """ ## Compute signal to noise ratio (SNR) of one or more signals from a fast ## fourier transform (FFT) and test the SNR significance using an F-test. ## Parameters ## ---------- ## ffts : dict ## The ffts for each experimental condition. The ffts should be in the same ## format as returned by the :func:`getSpectrum` function, i.e. a dictionary with ## `freq` and `mag` keys. ## compIdx : array of ints ## The positional indexes of the signal components in the `fft['freq']` array. ## nSideComp : int ## The number of components adjacent to each side of the signal components ## from which to estimate the noise power. `nSideComp` above and `nSideComp` ## below each signal component will be used to estimate noise power around ## each signal. In other words, the noise power around each signal component will ## be estimated from `2*nSideComp` components. ## nExcludedComp: int ## To avoid that spectral leaks from the signal component affect the noise power ## estimation, the `nExcludedComp` closest to the signal component will not be used ## for estimating noise power. ## otherExclude : array of ints ## The indexes of other components to exclude from the computation of the noise power. ## This may be useful to exclude components corresponding to distortion products ## generated by the signal. ## Returns ## ---------- ## fftVals : dict ## The signal and noise power for each component and experimental condition. ## Each key of `fftVals` corresponds to an experimental condition. For each ## experimental condition there is a dictionary with keys `noisePow` and `sigPow` ## that list the noise and signal power for each component given in `compIdx`. ## fRatio : ## The F and corresponding p-value for each component and experimental condition. ## Each key of `fRatio` corresponds to an experimental condition. For each ## experimental condition there is a dictionary with keys `F` and `pval` ## that list the F and p value for each component given in `compIdx`. ## Examples ## ---------- ## >>> getFRatios(ffts=ffts, compIdx=[30, 75], nSideComp=30, nExcludedComp=1, otherExclude=[25, 68]) ## """ ## cnds = ffts.keys() ## fftVals = {} ## fRatio = {} ## dfNum = 2 ## dfDenom = 2*(nSideComp*2) -1 ## for cnd in cnds: ## fRatio[cnd] = {} ## fftVals[cnd] = {} ## fRatio[cnd]['F'] = [] ## fRatio[cnd]['pval'] = [] ## fftVals[cnd]['sigPow'] = [] ## fftVals[cnd]['noisePow'] = [] ## sideBands, sideBandsIdx = getNoiseSidebands(compIdx, nSideComp, nExcludedComp, ffts[cnd]['mag'], otherExclude) ## for c in range(len(compIdx)): ## noisePow = numpy.mean(sideBands[c]) ## sigPow = ffts[cnd]['mag'][compIdx[c]] ## thisF = sigPow / noisePow ## fftVals[cnd]['sigPow'].append(sigPow) ## fftVals[cnd]['noisePow'].append(noisePow) ## fRatio[cnd]['F'].append(thisF) ## fRatio[cnd]['pval'].append(scipy.stats.f.pdf(thisF, dfNum, dfDenom)) ## return fftVals, fRatio ## def getNoiseSidebands(components, nCompSide, nExcludeSide, FFTArray, otherExclude=None): ## """ ## Compute ## Parameters ## ---------- ## components : list of ints ## The indexes of the signal components. ## nCompSide : int ## The number of components adjacent to each side of the signal components ## from which to estimate the noise power. `nSideComp` above and `nSideComp` ## below each signal component will be used to estimate noise power around ## each signal. In other words, the noise power around each signal component will ## be estimated from `2*nSideComp` components. ## nExcludeSide : int ## To avoid that spectral leaks from the signal component affect the noise power ## estimation, the `nExcludeSide` components closest to the signal component will not be used ## for estimating noise power. ## FFTArray: int ## The array containing the fft magnitude values. ## otherExclude : array of ints ## The indexes of other components to exclude from the computation of the noise power. ## This may be useful to exclude components corresponding to distortion products ## generated by the signal. ## Returns ## ---------- ## noiseBands : list ## A list a sub-list for each component specified in `components`. Each sublist ## contains the fft magnitude values of the noise side bands. ## Examples ## ---------- ## >>> getNoiseSidebands(compIdx=[30, 75], nSideComp=30, nExcludedComp=2, FFTArray=fftVals, otherExclude=[25,68]) ## """ ## idxProtect = []; idxProtect.extend(components); ## if otherExclude != None: ## idxProtect.extend(otherExclude) ## for i in range(nExcludeSide): ## idxProtect.extend(numpy.array(components) + (i+1)) ## idxProtect.extend(numpy.array(components) - (i+1)) ## noiseBands = []; noiseBandsIdx = [] ## for i in range(len(components)): ## loSide = []; loSideIdx = [] ## hiSide = []; hiSideIdx = [] ## counter = 1 ## while len(hiSide) < nCompSide: ## currIdx = components[i] + nExcludeSide + counter ## if currIdx not in idxProtect: ## hiSide.append(FFTArray[currIdx]) ## hiSideIdx.append(currIdx) ## counter = counter + 1 ## counter = 1 ## while len(loSide) < nCompSide: ## currIdx = components[i] - nExcludeSide - counter ## if currIdx not in idxProtect: ## loSide.append(FFTArray[currIdx]) ## loSideIdx.append(currIdx) ## counter = counter + 1 ## noiseBands.append(loSide+hiSide) ## noiseBandsIdx.append(loSideIdx+hiSideIdx) ## return noiseBands, noiseBandsIdx
[docs]def getFRatios(ffts, freqs, nSideComp, nExcludedComp, otherExclude): """ Compute signal to noise ratio (SNR) of one or more signals from a fast fourier transform (FFT) and test the SNR significance using an F-test. Parameters ---------- ffts : dict The ffts for each experimental condition. The ffts should be in the same format as returned by the :func:`getSpectrum` function, i.e. a dictionary with `freq` and `mag` keys. freqs : array of floats The frequencies of the signals. nSideComp : int The number of components adjacent to each side of the signal components from which to estimate the noise power. `nSideComp` above and `nSideComp` below each signal will be used for each noise-power estimate. In other words, the noise power around each signal component will be estimated from `2*nSideComp` components. nExcludedComp: int To avoid that spectral leaks from the signal affect the noise-power estimate, the `nExcludedComp` components just above and the `nExcludeComp` components just below the signal will not be used for estimating noise power. otherExclude : array of ints The frequencies of other components to exclude from the computation of the noise power. This may be useful to exclude components corresponding to distortion products generated by the signal. The `nExcludedComp` components just above and the `nExcludeComp` components just below each component in `otherExclude` will also be excluded. Returns ---------- res : dict with the following keys - fftVals : dict The signal and noise power for each component and experimental condition. Each key of `fftVals` corresponds to an experimental condition. For each experimental condition there is a dictionary with keys `noisePow` and `sigPow` that list the noise and signal power for each component given in `freqs`. - fRatio : The F and corresponding p-value for each component and experimental condition. Each key of `fRatio` corresponds to an experimental condition. For each experimental condition there is a dictionary with keys `F` and `pval` that list the F and p value for each component given in `freqs`. - compIdx : list The indexes of the signal frequencies in the FFT array. - sideBandsIdx : list The indexes of the noise side bands in the FFT array. A separate sub-list is returned for each component specified in `freqs`. - excludedIdx : list The indexes of the components excluded from the noise side bands. - minSideFreq : list For each signal, the lowest frequency of the noise bands. - maxSideFreq : list For each signal, the highest frequency of the noise bands. Examples ---------- >>> getFRatios(ffts=ffts, freqs=[30, 75], nSideComp=30, nExcludedComp=1, otherExclude=[25, 68]) """ cnds = list(ffts.keys()) compIdx = [] for i in range(len(freqs)): compIdx.append(where(abs(ffts[cnds[0]]['freq'] - freqs[i]) == min(abs(ffts[cnds[0]]['freq'] - freqs[i])))[0][0]) fftVals = {} fRatio = {} dfNum = 2 dfDenom = 2*(nSideComp*2) -1 for cnd in cnds: fRatio[cnd] = {} fftVals[cnd] = {} fRatio[cnd]['F'] = [] fRatio[cnd]['pval'] = [] fftVals[cnd]['sigPow'] = [] fftVals[cnd]['noisePow'] = [] sideBands, sideBandsIdx, idxProtect = getNoiseSidebands(freqs, nSideComp, nExcludedComp, ffts[cnd], otherExclude) #print(freqs) for c in range(len(compIdx)): noisePow = numpy.mean(sideBands[c]) sigPow = ffts[cnd]['mag'][compIdx[c]] thisF = sigPow / noisePow fftVals[cnd]['sigPow'].append(sigPow) fftVals[cnd]['noisePow'].append(noisePow) fRatio[cnd]['F'].append(thisF) fRatio[cnd]['pval'].append(scipy.stats.f.pdf(thisF, dfNum, dfDenom)) minSideFreq = [] maxSideFreq = [] for c in range(len(compIdx)): minSideFreq.append(ffts[cnds[0]]['freq'][min(sideBandsIdx[c])]) maxSideFreq.append(ffts[cnds[0]]['freq'][max(sideBandsIdx[c])]) res = {'fftVals': fftVals, 'fRatio': fRatio, 'compIdx': compIdx, 'sideBandsIdx':sideBandsIdx, 'excludedIdx': idxProtect, 'minSideFreq': minSideFreq, 'maxSideFreq': maxSideFreq} return res
[docs]def getNoiseSidebands(componentsFreq, nCompSide, nExcludedComp, fftDict, otherExclude=None): """ Given one or more signal frequencies, get, for each signal frequency, the power in frequency bins adjacent to the signal frequency. The results can be used to estimate *local* noise in signal-to-noise-ratio computations. Parameters ---------- componentsFreq : list of floats The frequencies of the signal components. nCompSide : int The number of components adjacent to each side of the signal components from which to estimate the noise power. `nSideComp` above and `nSideComp` below each signal will be used for each noise-power estimate. In other words, the noise power around each signal component will be estimated from `2*nSideComp` components. nExcludedComp : int To avoid that spectral leaks from the signal affect the noise-power estimate, the `nExcludedComp` components just above and the `nExcludedComp` components just below the signal will not be used for estimating noise power. FFTDict: dict with the following keys - mag : array of floats The array containing the FFT magnitude values. - freq : array of floats The array containing the FFT frequencies. otherExclude : array of ints The frequencies of other components to exclude from the computation of the noise power. This may be useful to exclude components corresponding to distortion products generated by the signal. The `nExcludedComp` components just above and the `nExcludedComp` components just below each component in `otherExclude` will also be excluded. Returns ---------- noiseBands : list The spectral magnitude of the noise bands. A separate sub-list is returned for each component specified in `freqs`. noiseBandsIdx : list The indexes of the frequency bins in `fftDict` corresponding to the noise bands. A separate sub-list is returned for each component specified in `freqs`. idxProtect : list The indexes of the frequency bins in `fftDict` that were excluded from the noise power computation. Examples ---------- >>> getNoiseSidebands(compIdx=[40, 44], nSideComp=30, nExcludedComp=2, FFTDict=ffts, otherExclude=[36, 42]) """ compIdx = array([], dtype=int) for i in range(len(componentsFreq)): compIdx = numpy.append(compIdx, where(abs(fftDict['freq'] - componentsFreq[i]) == min(abs(fftDict['freq'] - componentsFreq[i])))[0][0]) idxProtect = []; idxProtect.extend(compIdx); if otherExclude != None: otherExcludeIdx = array([], dtype=int) for i in range(len(otherExclude)): otherExcludeIdx = numpy.append(otherExcludeIdx, where(abs(fftDict['freq'] - otherExclude[i]) == min(abs(fftDict['freq'] - otherExclude[i])))[0][0]) idxProtect.extend(otherExcludeIdx) for i in range(nExcludedComp): idxProtect.extend(numpy.array(compIdx) + (i+1)) idxProtect.extend(numpy.array(compIdx) - (i+1)) for j in range(len(otherExclude)): idxProtect.extend([otherExcludeIdx[j] + (i+1)]) idxProtect.extend([otherExcludeIdx[j] - (i+1)]) noiseBands = []; noiseBandsIdx = [] for i in range(len(compIdx)): loSide = []; loSideIdx = [] hiSide = []; hiSideIdx = [] counter = 1 while len(hiSide) < nCompSide: currIdx = compIdx[i] + nExcludedComp + counter if currIdx not in idxProtect: hiSide.append(fftDict['mag'][currIdx]) hiSideIdx.append(currIdx) counter = counter + 1 counter = 1 while len(loSide) < nCompSide: currIdx = compIdx[i] - nExcludedComp - counter if currIdx not in idxProtect: loSide.append(fftDict['mag'][currIdx]) loSideIdx.append(currIdx) counter = counter + 1 noiseBands.append(loSide+hiSide) noiseBandsIdx.append(loSideIdx+hiSideIdx) return noiseBands, noiseBandsIdx, idxProtect
[docs]def mergeTriggersCnt(trigArray, trigList, newTrig): """ Take one or more triggers in trigList, and substitute them with newTrig Parameters ---------- trigArray : array The trigger channel. trigList : array The list of triggers that should be substituted with `newTrig` newTrig : The new trigger value. Examples ---------- >>> mergeTriggersCnt(trigArray, [1,2], 100) """ trigArray[numpy.in1d(trigArray, trigList)] = newTrig return
[docs]def mergeTriggersEventTable(eventTable, trigList, newTrig): """ Substitute the event table triggers listed in trigList with newTrig Parameters ---------- eventTable : dict of int arrays The event table trigList : array of ints The list of triggers to substitute newTrig : int The new trigger used to substitute the triggers in trigList Returns ---------- Examples ---------- """ eventTable['code'][numpy.in1d(eventTable['code'], trigList)] = newTrig return
[docs]def read_biosig(fileName): """ Wrapper of biosig4python functions for reading Biosemi BDF files. Parameters ---------- fileName : string Path of the BDF file to read Returns ---------- Examples ---------- """ HDR = biosig.constructHDR(0,0) HDR = biosig.sopen(fileName, 'r', HDR) data = biosig.sread(0, HDR.NRec, HDR) if HDR.EVENT.TYP: TYP = ctypes.cast( HDR.EVENT.TYP.__long__(), ctypes.POINTER( ctypes.c_uint16 ) ) if HDR.EVENT.CHN: CHN = ctypes.cast( HDR.EVENT.CHN.__long__(), ctypes.POINTER( ctypes.c_uint16 ) ) if HDR.EVENT.POS: POS = ctypes.cast( HDR.EVENT.POS.__long__(), ctypes.POINTER( ctypes.c_uint32 ) ) if HDR.EVENT.DUR: DUR = ctypes.cast( HDR.EVENT.DUR.__long__(), ctypes.POINTER( ctypes.c_uint32 ) ) codes = [] pos = [] dur = [] for k in range(HDR.EVENT.N): codes.append(TYP[k] & (256-1)) pos.append(int(POS[k])) dur.append(int(DUR[k])) # close file biosig.sclose(HDR) # # release allocated memory biosig.destructHDR(HDR) bdfRec = {} event_table = {} event_table['trigs'] = array(codes) event_table['start_idx'] = array(pos) #event_table['stop_idx'] = stopPoints event_table['trigs_dur'] = array(dur) return data, event_table
[docs]def removeEpochs(rec, toRemove): """ Remove epochs from a segmented recording. Parameters ---------- rec : dict of 3D arrays The segmented recording to_remove : dict of 1D arrays List of epochs to remove for each condition Examples ---------- >>> removeEpochs(rec, toRemove) """ eventList = list(rec.keys()) #print(toRemove) for code in eventList: rec[code] = numpy.delete(rec[code], toRemove[code], axis=2) return
## def removeSpuriousTriggers(eventTable, sentTrigs, minInt, sampRate): ## """ ## Remove spurious trigger codes. ## Parameters ## ---------- ## eventTable : dict with the following keys ## - code: array of ints ## The list of triggers in the EEG recording. ## - idx : array of ints ## The indexes of trigs in the EEG recording. ## sent_triggers : array of floats ## Array containing the list of triggers that were sent to the EEG recording equipment. ## minInt : float ## The minimum possible time interval between consecutive triggers in seconds ## sampRate : int ## The sampling rate of the EEG recording ## Returns ## ------- ## eventTable : dict with the following keys ## - trigs: array of ints ## List of valid triggers. ## - trigs_pos : array of ints ## The indexes of trigs in the EEG recording ## res_info: dict with the following keys: ## - len_matching: int ## Number of matching elements in the event table and sentTrigs ## - len_sent: int ## Length of sentTrigs ## - match : boolean ## True if a sequence matching the sentTrigs sequence is found in the eventTable ## Examples ## -------- ## >>> ## ... ## >>> ## ... ## >>> ## """ ## rec_trigs = eventTable['code'] ## rec_trigs_idx = eventTable['idx'] ## allowed_trigs = numpy.unique(sentTrigs) ## rec_trigs_idx = rec_trigs_idx[numpy.in1d(rec_trigs, allowed_trigs)] ## rec_trigs = rec_trigs[numpy.in1d(rec_trigs, allowed_trigs)] ## intervals_ok = False ## while intervals_ok == False: ## intervals = numpy.diff(rec_trigs_idx) / sampRate ## intervals = numpy.insert(intervals, 0, minInt+1) ## if intervals[intervals < minInt].shape[0] == 0: ## intervals_ok = True ## else: ## idx_to_del = (numpy.where(intervals<minInt)[0][0]) ## #print(rec_trigs_idx) ## rec_trigs = numpy.delete(rec_trigs, idx_to_del) ## rec_trigs_idx = numpy.delete(rec_trigs_idx, idx_to_del) ## if numpy.array_equal(rec_trigs, sentTrigs) == True: ## match_found = True ## else: ## match_found = False ## eventTable['code'] = rec_trigs ## eventTable['idx'] = rec_trigs_idx ## res_info = {} ## res_info['match'] = match_found ## res_info['len_sent'] = len(sentTrigs) ## res_info['len_selected'] = len(rec_trigs) ## return res_info
[docs]def removeSpuriousTriggers(eventTable, sentTrigs, minTrigDur): """ Remove from the eventTable triggers that were not actually sent. """ rec_trigs = eventTable['code'] rec_trigs_dur = eventTable['dur'] rec_trigs_start = eventTable['idx'] #rec_trigs_stop = eventTable['stop_idx'] allowed_trigs = numpy.unique(sentTrigs) rec_trigs_dur = rec_trigs_dur[numpy.in1d(rec_trigs, allowed_trigs)] rec_trigs_start = rec_trigs_start[numpy.in1d(rec_trigs, allowed_trigs)] #rec_trigs_stop = rec_trigs_stop[numpy.in1d(rec_trigs, allowed_trigs)] rec_trigs = rec_trigs[numpy.in1d(rec_trigs, allowed_trigs)] rec_trigs = rec_trigs[rec_trigs_dur >= minTrigDur] rec_trigs_start = rec_trigs_start[rec_trigs_dur >= minTrigDur] #rec_trigs_stop = rec_trigs_stop[rec_trigs_dur >= minTrigDur] rec_trigs_dur = rec_trigs_dur[rec_trigs_dur >= minTrigDur] if numpy.array_equal(rec_trigs, sentTrigs) == True: match_found = True else: match_found = False #x = diff(rec_trigs_start)/2048 #print(x[x<1.375]) #print(min(x), max(x), mean(x)) eventTable['code'] = rec_trigs eventTable['dur'] = rec_trigs_dur eventTable['idx'] = rec_trigs_start #eventTable['stop_idx'] = rec_trigs_stop res_info = {} res_info['match'] = match_found res_info['len_sent'] = len(sentTrigs) res_info['len_found'] = len(rec_trigs) return res_info
[docs]def rerefCnt(rec, refChannel, channels=None): """ Rereference channels in a continuous recording. Parameters ---------- rec : array of floats The nChannelsXnSamples array with the EEG data. refChannel: int The reference channel (indexing starts from zero). channels : list of ints List of channels to be rereferenced (indexing starts from zero). Examples -------- >>> rerefCnt(rec=dats, refChannel=4, channels=[1, 2, 3]) """ if channels == None: nChannels = rec.shape[0] channels = list(range(nChannels)) rec[channels,:] = rec[channels,:] - rec[refChannel,:] return
[docs]def rerefSegmented(rec, refChannel, channels=None): """ Rereference channels in a segmented recording. Parameters ---------- rec : dict of 3D arrays The segmented recording refChannel: int The reference channel (indexing starts from zero). channels : list of ints List of channels to be rereferenced (indexing starts from zero). Examples -------- >>> rerefSegmented(rec=segs, refChannel=4, channels=[0,1]) """ keyList = list(rec.keys()) if channels == None: nChannels = rec[keyList[0]].shape[0] channels = list(range(nChannels)) for k in keyList: rec[k][channels,:,:] = rec[k][channels,:,:] - rec[k][refChannel,:,:] return
[docs]def segmentCnt(rec, eventTable, epochStart, epochEnd, sampRate, eventList=None): """ Segment a continuous EEG recording into discrete event-related epochs. Parameters ---------- rec: array of floats The nChannelsXnSamples array with the EEG data. eventTable : dict with the following keys - trigs : array of ints The list of triggers in the EEG recording. - trigs_pos : array of ints The indexes of trigs in the EEG recording. epochStart : float The time at which the epoch starts relative to the trigger code, in seconds. epochEnd : float The time at which the epoch ends relative to the trigger code, in seconds. sampRate : int The sampling rate of the EEG recording. eventList : list of ints The list of events for which epochs should be extracted. If no list is given epochs will be extracted for all the trigger codes present in the event table. Returns ---------- segs : dict of 3D arrays The segmented recording. The dictionary has a key for each condition. The corresponding key value is a 3D array with dimensions nChannels x nSamples x nSegments n_segs : dict of ints The number of segments for each condition. Examples ---------- >>> segs, n_segs = eeg.segment_cnt(rec=dats, eventTable=evt_tab, epochStart=-0.2, epochEnd=0.8, sampRate=512, eventList=['200', '201']) """ trigs = eventTable['code'] if eventList == None: eventList = numpy.unique(trigs) trigs = eventTable['code'] trigs_pos = eventTable['idx'] epochStartSample = int(round(epochStart*sampRate)) epochEndSample = int(round(epochEnd*sampRate)) nSamples = epochEndSample - epochStartSample segs = {} for i in range(len(eventList)): idx = trigs_pos[numpy.where(trigs == eventList[i])[0]] segs[str(eventList[i])] = numpy.zeros((rec.shape[0], nSamples, len(trigs[trigs==eventList[i]])), dtype=rec.dtype) for j in range(len(idx)): thisStartPnt = (idx[j]+epochStartSample) #print(thisStartPnt) thisStopPnt = (idx[j]+epochEndSample) if thisStartPnt < 0 or thisStopPnt > rec.shape[1]: if thisStartPnt < 0: print(idx[j], "Epoch starts before start of recording. Skipping") if thisStopPnt > rec.shape[1]: print(idx[j], "Epoch ends after end of recording. Skipping") else: segs[str(eventList[i])][:,:,j] = rec[:, thisStartPnt:thisStopPnt] n_segs = {} for i in range(len(eventList)): #count n_segs[str(eventList[i])] = segs[str(eventList[i])].shape[2] return segs, n_segs
#Utility functions #############
[docs]def nextPowTwo(x): """ Compute the exponent of the closest power of two that is either equal to `x` of bigger than `x`. Parameters ---------- x : numeric Returns ---------- y : numeric Examples ---------- >>> nextPowTwo(7) >>> nextPowTwo(8) """ out = int(ceil(log2(x))) return out
## def getFFT(sig, sampRate, window, powerOfTwo): ## """ ## Compute the fast fourier transform of a 1-dimensional array. ## Parameters ## ---------- ## Returns ## ---------- ## Examples ## ---------- ## """ ## n = len(sig) ## if powerOfTwo == True: ## nfft = 2**nextPowTwo(n) ## else: ## nfft = n ## if window != 'none': ## if window == 'hamming': ## w = hamming(n) ## elif window == 'hanning': ## w = hanning(n) ## elif window == 'blackman': ## w = blackman(n) ## elif window == 'bartlett': ## w = bartlett(n) ## sig = sig*w ## p = fft(sig, nfft) # take the fourier transform ## nUniquePts = ceil((nfft+1)/2.0) ## p = p[0:nUniquePts] ## p = abs(p) ## p = p / sampRate # scale by the number of points so that ## # the magnitude does not depend on the length ## # of the signal or on its sampling frequency ## #p = p**2 # square it to get the power ## # multiply by two (see technical document for details) ## # odd nfft excludes Nyquist point ## if nfft % 2 > 0: # we've got odd number of points fft ## p[1:len(p)] = p[1:len(p)] * 2 ## else: ## p[1:len(p) -1] = p[1:len(p) - 1] * 2 # we've got even number of points fft ## freqArray = arange(0, nUniquePts, 1.0) * (sampRate / nfft); ## x = {'freqArray': freqArray, 'mag':p} ## return x
[docs]def getSpectrogram(sig, sampRate, winLength, overlap, winType, powerOfTwo): """ Compute the spectrogram of a 1-dimensional array. Parameters ---------- sig : array of floats The signal of which the spectrum should be computed. sampRate : int The sampling rate of the signal. winLength : float The length of the window over which to take the FFTs. overlap : float The percent of overlap between successive windows (useful for smoothing the spectrogram). winType : str {'hamming', 'hanning', blackman', 'bartlett', 'none'} The type of window to apply to the signal before computing its FFT. Choose 'none' if you don't want to apply any window. powerOfTwo : bool If `True` `sig` will be padded with zeros (if necessary) so that its length is a power of two. Returns ---------- spectrogram : dict with the following keys - freq : array of floats The frequency axis. - time : array of floats The time axis. - mag : the power spectrum. Examples ---------- >>> sig = np.random.random(512) >>> getSpectogram(sig, 256, 'hamming') """ """ Compute the spectrogram of a 1-dimensional array. winLength in seconds overlap in percent if the signal length is not a multiple of the window length it is trucated """ winLengthPnt = floor(winLength * sampRate) step = winLengthPnt - round(winLengthPnt * overlap / 100.) ind = arange(0, len(sig) - winLengthPnt, step) n = len(ind) x = getSpectrum(sig[ind[0]:ind[0]+winLengthPnt], sampRate, winType, powerOfTwo) freq_array = x['freq']; p = x['mag'] power_matrix = zeros((len(freq_array), n)) power_matrix[:,0] = p for i in range(1, n): x = getSpectrum(sig[ind[i]:ind[i]+winLengthPnt], sampRate, winType, powerOfTwo) freq_array = x['freq']; p = x['mag'] power_matrix[:,i] = p timeInd = arange(0, len(sig), step) time_array = 1./sampRate * (timeInd) x = {'freq': freq_array, 'time': time_array, 'mag': power_matrix} return x
[docs]def getSpectrum(sig, sampRate, window, powerOfTwo): """ Compute the power spectrum of a 1-dimensional array. Parameters ---------- sig : array of floats The signal of which the spectrum should be computed. sampRate : int The sampling rate of the signal. window : str {'hamming', 'hanning', blackman', 'bartlett', 'none'} The type of window to apply to the signal before computing its FFT. Choose 'none' if you don't want to apply any window. powerOfTwo : bool If `True` `sig` will be padded with zeros (if necessary) so that its length is a power of two. Returns ---------- spectrum : dict with the following keys - freq : array of floats The FFT frequencies. - mag : the power spectrum. Examples ---------- >>> sig = np.random.random(512) >>> getSpectrum(sig, 256, 'hamming') """ n = len(sig) if powerOfTwo == True: nfft = 2**nextPowTwo(n) else: nfft = n if window != 'none': if window == 'hamming': w = hamming(n) elif window == 'hanning': w = hanning(n) elif window == 'blackman': w = blackman(n) elif window == 'bartlett': w = bartlett(n) sig = sig*w #print(sig[0:2]) p = fft(sig, nfft) # take the fourier transform nUniquePts = ceil((nfft+1)/2) p = p[0:nUniquePts] p = abs(p) p = p / n # scale by the number of points so that # the magnitude does not depend on the length # of the signal or on its sampling frequency p = p**2 # square it to get the power # multiply by two (see technical document for details) # odd nfft excludes Nyquist point if nfft % 2 > 0: # we've got odd number of points fft p[1:len(p)] = p[1:len(p)] * 2 else: p[1:len(p) -1] = p[1:len(p) - 1] * 2 # we've got even number of points fft freq_array = arange(0, nUniquePts, 1.0) * (sampRate / nfft); x = {'freq': freq_array, 'mag':p} return x
def tukeywin(window_length, alpha=0.5): ## taken from ## The Tukey window, also known as the tapered cosine window, can be regarded as a cosine lobe of width \alpha * N / 2 ## that is convolved with a rectangle window of width (1 - \alpha / 2). At \alpha = 1 it becomes rectangular, and ## at \alpha = 0 it becomes a Hann window. ## We use the same reference as MATLAB to provide the same results in case users compare a MATLAB output to this function ## output ## Reference ## --------- ## # Special cases if alpha <= 0: return np.ones(window_length) #rectangular window elif alpha >= 1: return np.hanning(window_length) # Normal case x = np.linspace(0, 1, window_length) w = np.ones(x.shape) # first condition 0 <= x < alpha/2 first_condition = x<alpha/2 w[first_condition] = 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(2*np.pi/alpha * (x[first_condition] - alpha/2) )) # second condition already taken care of # third condition 1 - alpha / 2 <= x <= 1 third_condition = x>=(1 - alpha/2) w[third_condition] = 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(2*np.pi/alpha * (x[third_condition] - 1 + alpha/2))) return w